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We made this film to spread resilience. We want survivors to know that healing is possible, and we want to inspire people everywhere to break the silence and oppression that torture imposes. 

We also have a tangible goal: Making sure every refugee is met with compassion as they make their way in the country they now call home. That’s why we are screening TRANSCENDENCE with front-line service workers who help asylum seekers through immigration, mental health, social services, and other fields — we want to make sure these providers can recognize the signs of trauma and respond with compassion.  

Become a partner or sponsor 

This film was made with the guidance and collaboration of leading trauma and torture experts, and we are eager to expand this network. We also partner with corporations, educational institutions, and others who want to sponsor screenings or workshops with their communities. Talk to us about becoming a partner or recommending one. Contact Us.


Have you seen TRANSCENDENCE? Please share your thoughts and suggestions. Click here 

Host a screening 

The film is available in small or large settings, both in-person and as virtual screenings. We offer screenings in corporate offices, health and mental health care settings, educational settings, and others. We can also offer facilitated conversations and mental health services for audiences who may see aspects of their own lives, work, or experiences reflected on-screen. Contact Us

Make a donation

Your donation will support film screenings where survivors and front-line service workers will have space process, learn, and integrate their own experiences. Donations are accepted through our nonprofit production company, Independent Filmworks Inc. and are fully tax deductible. Help launch the global impact campaign. Click here 


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© 2022 Naked Eye Productions Ltd. &
Independent FilmWorks Inc. a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.

Website Designed and maintained by SmartVicky

Help launch our global impact campaign.

The next important step is getting the film out into the world where it's increasingly needed. Please consider being a part of the outreach campaign with a tax-deductible donation.

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